In September 2019, with technical assistance from Open Justice, the upgrading of the webpages of 19 Moldovan courts was completed. All webpages now have better interface, increased functionalities, and are accessible to visually and hearing-challenged persons.
The webpages were redesigned and upgraded as part of an extensive automation effort of the Moldovan courts. The new webpages automatically display information, which was not previously (instantly) available but is now generated thanks to the improved functionalities of the new Integrated Case Management System that the courts use to manage judicial cases, from registration to a judge’s final decision.
For instance, any citizen who submits a judicial complaint can check on the website to verify that their claim was admitted, and to which judge it was sent for further examination, etc. Moreover, those litigants that already have a case in a court can view their trial schedule, and view and download court decisions and rulings. Searches are now more efficient because the website can search not only in the text of the website but also in the files (Word or PDF format) within its database as well.
And no less important is the way the information is displayed. The new user-friendly interface and the text-editing functionalities allow people with special needs (sight and hearing) to adapt the text according to their needs (e.g., font size, accessibility, contrast, and color saturation). Another new feature of the webpages — a text synthesizer, reads out loud all the information on the page, making information about court activity accessible to all people, even those who have impaired hearing.
Previously, Open Justice used its technical and IT expertise to support the launch of the webpages of the National Court’s Portal, the webpages of the Agency for Court Administration, and the webpages of the Superior Council of Magistracy. Through this assistance Open Justice has increased the efficiency and transparency of judicial processes in Moldova.