State-guaranteed legal aid

The National Council for State Guaranteed Legal Aid (CNAJGS) and its four territorial offices manage the provision of state-guaranteed legal aid. The services are provided to Moldovan citizens free of charge, per the existing legal framework. The basic legal act that regulates this type of legal assistance is the Law on State-Guaranteed Legal Aid no.198 XVI of 26 July 2007.

If you know that you have the right to enjoy state-guaranteed legal aid, or you want to determine your eligibility, please contact the CNAJGS territorial office within your home area:

Chisinau Territorial Office of CNAJGS

Chisinau, 1 Alecu Russo Str., block 1A, offices 32, 34, 36, 37

tel: +373 (22) 49-69-53, 49-63-39, 31-00-65


Balti Territorial Office of CNAJ GS

Balti, 2 Mihai Sadoveanu Str.

tel./fax.: (+373 231) 61-316, 22-811, +373 68551122


Cahul Territorial Office of CNAJGS

Cahul 6 Independentei Str.,

tel./fax.: (+373 299) 20-413, 20-763


Comrat Territorial Office of CNAJGS

Comrat, 31/A Șevcenco Str.,

tel./fax.: (+373 298) 28-853


If you would like to receive a consultation from a public lawyer or find out more about the lawyers who provide state-guaranteed legal aid on request, consult the National Register of Persons Who Provide State-Guaranteed Legal Aid, which is regularly updated on the website of the National Council for State Guaranteed Legal Aid:
In addition, to find out a lawyer’s contact details, information about their working languages, or other details, you can access the lawyers database.  Please note that the database contains information about all lawyers, and not just those who provide state-guaranteed legal aid.

str. Armenească, 27, et. 3, Chișinău MD-2012, Republica Moldova, Email:

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