Roma community mediators

The Roma community mediators assists the Roma people, through mediation and support, to obtain social assistance services, education, medical assistance, employment, documentation, improvement of living conditions, and facilitates the provision of other needed services. The Roma community mediator is employed by the local public administration in villages, communes, and cities where the Roma community is numerically significant, and performs its obligations in relation to the community in that locality. The public policy papers adopted by the Moldovan authorities provide for an increase in the number of Roma community mediators in the coming years. For more details, including contact details of Roma community mediators, please contact:

National Association of Roma Community Mediators of the Republic of Moldova (Asociația Națională a Mediatorilor Comunitari Romi din Republica Moldova)

1 Chițeni Str., Mingir village, Hâncești district, Republic of Moldova

tel.: +373 68757605; +373 67580948


National Roma Center (Centrul Național al Romilor)

Chisinau, 109/1 A.Mateevici Str., offices 306-307,

tel.: +373 22 227099



str. Armenească, 27, et. 3, Chișinău MD-2012, Republica Moldova, Email:

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