The purpose of the IFCE is to develop a framework of values, concepts and tools through which courts in any country can voluntarily assess and improve the quality of justice and the court administration in seven directions:
- User satisfaction
- Public trust and confidence
- Affordable and accessible courts
- Court management and leadership
- Court policies
- Management of human, financial and material resources
- Court proceedings
During 2018, court sftaff from the Courts of Appeal in Balti, Cahul, Comrat and Chisinau will develop and implement improvement action plans within their courts. The Courts of Appeal will be guided by an international expert on how to develop and implement performance-enhancing activities. The purpose of the IFCE implementation is to provide better services to court users and to increase the efficiency of the Court of Appeals’ performance.
In 2015, the International Framework for Court Excellence was successfully piloted in three Moldovan courts. Following the piloting, the Superior Council of Magistracy approved the Guide on the Implementation of Good Practices of Excellence in the Courts of the Republic of Moldova, which will be also applied in the Courts of Appeal.