On April 1, 2019, Open Justice launched the piloting of the newly developed E-File Module, which allows attorneys to submit claims online. Twenty attorneys from the Cahul Bar took part in the piloting process. Open Justice made significant efforts to train all attorneys and to rapidly refine the E-file Module according to their feedback.
As part of a greater court automation process, through the E-File Module, the attorneys are able not only to submit claims online but to also upload and download documents, pay state fees, and receive real-time updates about their cases. Court staff reported that the time necessary to register cases submitted through the E-File Module has significantly decreased, which brings quicker justice to Moldovan litigants.
To date, the attorneys have successfully submitted 36 claims using the E-File Module, including through the mobile version of the system. All claims were accepted by the courts. The Project also submitted about 3,000 flyers and posters to the Moldovan courts that will be displayed publicly in courts to inform attorneys and court goers about the benefits of the E-File Module.
In the coming months, the Ministry of Justice will look into the possibilities of extending the implementation of the E-File Module to all Moldovan courts, so that attorneys country-wide can use this Module.