Home CuDREPTul PODCAST (Română) #22 Final de sezon: Rezultatele proiectului Accesul la Justiție în MoldovaCuDREPTul PODCAST(Română) #22 Final de sezon: Rezultatele proiectului Accesul la Justiție în Moldova 31 March 202350Sorry, this entry is only available in Română. PrintRELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR CuDREPTul PODCAST#21 Petru Vîrlan: The digital justice system is here to help us with support, but also access to justice to be efficient CuDREPTul PODCAST#20 Olesea Tabarcea: The number of requests for free legal aid has not decreased at any time CuDREPTul PODCAST#19 Arina Țurcan-Donțu: We have many models of good practice in facilitating access to justice and the important thing is that they continue CuDREPTul PODCAST#18 Olga Tumuruc: If we want to reform the judicial system, we have to do it having the technologies in mind CuDREPTul PODCAST#17 Olga Tumuruc: The biggest challenge is to develop electronic public services