Contact details
Address: 3 Al. Cosmescu Str., Apt.14, Ungheni
Telephone: +373 69 284 653
Facebook page:
Area of activity
- Helping families supporting orphaned children and children left without parental care
- Providing social assistance to socio-vulnerable families, those who have children under guardianship and wardship, and those in need of state support
- Supporting single-parent families, especially single women caring for and educating their children
- Developing social protection and recovery programs, especially for women who have used alcohol/drugs, sexually abused women, and women who have been chased from home
Type of assistance provided
- Primary legal assistance by phone and email
- Qualified legal assistance – legal consultations
- Mediation services to families with foster children in the form of adoption, guardianship/wardship
- Assistance in the procedure of/preparation of documentation on adoption, guardianship/wardship
Category of beneficiaries
Adoptive/potential parents, guardians, children in foster care