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#20 Olesea Tabarcea: The number of requests for free legal aid has not decreased...

The guest of this episode is Olesea Tabarcea, the Executive Director of the Balti Legal Clinic, which is one of the few specialized organizations outside Chisinau, also active in rural localities, where the need...

#16 Oleg Palii: Refugees seen as an opportunity, not a problem

Lawyer Oleg Palii has over 24 years of experience in the field of asylum and is the executive director of the Law Center of Advocates (Centrul de Drept al Avocaților). Since its founding in...

Ceslav Panico: We should have a general legal education strategy in the country

The guest of this episode is Ceslav Panico, the People's Advocate, called also Ombudsman. In February 2022 Ceslav Panico was appointed as People's Advocate for a seven year-mandate thanks to his professional experience that...

#14 Veronica Mihailov-Moraru: Justice reform – quite high resistance and a lot of work

This edition’s guest is the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, Veronica Mihailov-Moraru. With a beautiful career in the legal profession but also with a great deal...

#13 Yan Feldman: discrimination is a fairly widespread phenomenon in Moldova

The guest of this episode is Yan Feldman, the President of the Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality. The Council was created 9 years ago and its mission is to prevent...

#12 Maia Banarescu, Child’s Rights Ombudsperson: The Rights are a Responsibility

The guest of this episode is Maia Banarescu, the People's Advocate for the Rights of the Child. In essence, this authority, either as a person or as an institution, has the task to defend...

#11 Oxana Buzovici: Specialized Paralegals – Solution for Marginalized Groups 

  Who specialized paralegals and their beneficiaries are, what challenges they face as well as what changes one can see after four years of their activity, we are discussing with the person who coordinates their...

#10 Victims of human trafficking and the challenges of the professionals who help them

Approximately 1300 victims of human trafficking were officially identified in the last 5 years. The research shows that the real number could be 20 times higher, and children account for 30% of trafficked people.  Specialists note that...

#9 Veronica Li-Șui-Cean & Viorica Chirnicinîi: Role and Challenges of Paralegals

  The paralegal profession is a relatively new one for the Republic of Moldova, only for about 3 years with valid documents and for about 11 years since this activity was launched as a pilot...
Credit: iStock/Maria Symchych-Navrotska

Virtual Child Welfare Hearings in the United States: A Microcosm of Global Change

Photo credit: iStock/Maria Symchych-Navrotska To evaluate the pros and cons of virtual court hearings that accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC), a non-profit organization focused on improving judicial administration in...

#8 Pavel Grițco: Who Are the On-Demand Lawyers and What Do They Do

Justice reforms are also expected by the people who are part of the system, and so far, the changes have not been felt much – says Pavel Grițco, on-demand lawyer who has also worked...
Sursa foto: onward.justia.com

COVID-19 Pandemic and Virtual Court Proceedings: A Hybrid Future

Photo credit: onward.justia.com Courts across the world were required to rely on remote hearings during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While the technology for such activity has been around for several years, increased reliance during this...
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